Monday, November 9, 2009

Christmas came early.

Happy, happy. Joy, Joy. I must say that I am blessed with the most generous and loving mom. She helped me get my new baby:

Happy, happy! Joy, joy! It's a 17-inch MacBook Pro! I'm beyond excited. You can't even tell that it's a refurbished Mac... It's... it's... it's BEAUTIFUL!!! And with the money left over, I got this bad boy:

The Apple Magic Mouse! Eye lahv eet! The only drawback is that it's hyper sensitive... Sometimes I find myself zooming in on stuff when I've just clicked. Takes a little getting used to.

I also got the latest Adobe Creative Suite! These tools are going to help so much. God has been working His hand in my life right now. He's giving me tools to help with the growing freelance opportunities coming my way. It's going to help us so much!! Thank you, Lord! I feel so blessed. =)


"Wea" heart comments!
Hope you have a blessed day!